TRV900 Survey: Good Things

1 pro image quality in a compact housing, good price/performance

2 i like the manual controls. feels very "proffesional"

3 Quality Audio/Video, Digital Effects

4 full-featured compact with 3-ccd color fidelity

5 small, but not too, for easy handheld balancing

6 Size, picture quality, fold out LCD screen, DV-in, analogue inputs.

7 Picture quality Optical image stabiliser Big bright screen that works quite well even outdoors Small size

8 Ability to take 15 fps and then select the best still

9 Picture Quality

10 It delivers outstanding video and still photos, accurate and vibrant colors, great sharpness.

11 small size

12 Image quality, NP-F950 battery life

14 Image quality, ease of use, features.

15 LCD Memory card capability Manual exposure options

17 High quality picture

18 great picture

20 The possibility to shoot stills onto PCMCIA cards

21 For amateur like me, 1)auto features, 2)size and 3)weight.

22 Image quality, manual audio control

23 Size, quality of picture, ergonomics, quality of product. Batteries last long and tell you what remains. Fast charger is terrific.

24 The ability to capture good still images from tape

25 resolution, good internal mike, manual mode

26 iLink for editing. 3ccd quality image.

27 Good picture quality, easy handling

28 Exceptional picture quality and still picture capability

29 High quality results, without major effort.

30 3 CCDs, full manual control, analog in/out + DV in/out.

32 CONTROL: I can manually set the lot, I'm told what the settings are, and the performance is wonderful.

33 Size, weight, no obvious as a high quality camera so people don't notice it.

34 Small, 3 CCD, Looks nice, Memory mode, iLink

35 Great image quality; amazingly accurate auto focus; long battery life, no memory problems; progressive scan for stills; excellent quality of LP recording; miniDV tapes reusable; built-in ND filter

36 Manual controls.

37 image quality

38 Still photo with flash card, sharp video,good LCD screen

39 picture quality

40 Image quality, price/value, manual control

42 Picture quality, ability to take jpeg stills to floppy or memory card

45 Image quality. Manual controls. Compact Size

49 picture quality/long battery live

51 size

52 picture quality, ability to take stills

53 It has S-VHS input.

54 Light weight compared to my other camera while still having professional features.

55 Analog and Fireware Inputs/Outputs Image Quality Great Batteries Small/Light Fast VCR Controls

56 Great pictures in good light

57 image quality

58 1) picture and sound quality; and 2) your site

59 Size, quality of video, LCD screen, ability to use manual volume control on mikes.

60 Manual controls for apeture, speed, white bal., exposure and focus.

62 3-CCDs outstanding color especially with colored lights.

63 Image quality

64 great picture, unconspicious look, good still camera, pretty good in low light, long battery life

66 Perfect replacement for my old Canon A1 Digital

67 - Manual control - DV input, which is rare on european models - 3 CDD, gives MUCH better picture than TRV10E

68 High inherent video quality; small size; relatively inexpensive (from a professional's point of view)

69 quality of images, number of features, and small camera size for the price

70 3ccd cam for less than $2,000, great pic quality, pro features

71 Picture quality.

72 Excellent video & sound. Only one video dropout in 15 tapes noticed

73 excellent focus, stable picture, picture quality

75 Good images. Adequate sound. Very good stabilizer. Controls mostly laid out very well (but see my note about the menu button.) Feels good in my hands. Auto focus is one of the best I've used, especially in low light. Excellent hood. Very good stills.

76 Image quality Compact form factor versatility (still photo, PCMCIA capability, video conferencing)

78 High picture quality (especially when viewed on a good monitor) Reliability, small size, light weight, the manual features, great for linear editing together with a DSR-30 deck

79 featers, automatic/ hand functions/ quality

80 Picture Quality

81 3CCD video quality; small size; manual controls (I use manual exposure & white balance much of the time and am very pleased with the quality - bad video is my error, not the camcorder's); long-lasting Lithium batteries; LCD screen, still shot capture.

83 Image resolution and lack of grain,very realistic hues, manual features.

84 Image quality

85 Video Quality

86 very high recorded picture quality multi in-out capability long usage on single (950) battery

88 I love the versatility

89 True 500 line resolution. Color accuracy (except violot). Analog input. Manual settings.

90 Picture quality, good stills, manual overrides, analog inputs

91 The value for the dollar: professional DVCAM format, good accessories, many manual features, excellent battery system.

92 quality/size/price balance

93 picture quality, abibity to use it as a stills camera

96 DV format video image quality still image capability and quality ease of use overall flexibility "general digital appliance" long battery life small size external viewfinder

97 Combination good stills/good video + color representation.

98 All-round use

99 Fits nicely into my hand - easy to hold steady even when fiddling with the controls.

101 Great looking picture for the money. Good size and nice big LCD side panel.

102 Small and compact. Blend in with the other folks at a wedding reception.

103 can't remember...I used it alot when I first got it but it took so long to get back from the repair shop that I've now got no time for it...

104 Awesome image quality in good light, good manual controls, great features for the price.

105 1) Picture quality is excellent 2) Construction seems fairly solid

106 picture quality and manual control

107 The quality of the image.

109 Manual features not available on other cameras, "memory" mode for storing still pictures

110 High video/audio quality

112 image quality, manual control options, size. Recently shooting at pyramids in Egypt was able to "play" tourist instead of looking like a journalist (machine-gun packing guards wouldn't have allowed me to shoot if I would have had a broadcast camera)

116 image and sound quality

117 look, compact, and quality.

119 Image quality throughout. Long Battery Life

120 picture quality, size, low light image quality, photo mode and floppy disc

121 Portability, autofocus performance, low light performance/shutter 30, quality of both monitors, the overall image quality very similar to professional units.

122 Image quality vs size

123 Image Quality / Progressive Scan Stills to PC Card

124 High quality images.

125 Quality of the picture. Easy to handle due size, and monitor

126 Small and unobtrusive, 3CCD at an affordable price, metal body, good batteries

128 3ccds, price and features

129 The extremely sharp images that result even when in interlaced mode. As a novice amateur, I was initially intimidated by the camera and its various modes but when I set it to auto, it handled most of the details for me so that I could concentrate on content. As I learn more about the camera and its various modes that I can manually adjust, I'm sure that I'll take even better footage than I have so far.

130 Every feature I might need is available

131 Ease of use.

133 Being able to record via the analogue input

134 It is small, compares with the Canon XL1 in terms of picture quality

135 Picture Quality.

136 low profile for public usage

137 Versatility when shooting on location.

138 Overall quality and battery operating time

139 Color, resolution & manual settings

140 Manual audio and 48 khz sampling very good color image due to the 3 ccd's no drop outs at all

145 options

146 size; image quality

147 Good color and sharp picture

148 The Picture quality and the ability to take up to 450 stills on one video capture card. I have found that I use it almost as much a s a still camera.

151 picture quality solid feel

152 The flexibility and number of differnet aspects I can change about the recording. The camera also has excellent video quality compared to what I've seen from other (less expensive) camcorders.

153 Excellent picture good sound Can grow with camera.

154 Color LCD; Digital, 3-chip quality; image stabiliztions

155 Ability indoors and outside at night

156 The small size, and outstanding pictures. I also use it now very often as still camera.

157 Picture Quality and the wealth of features.

158 The ability to take stills as well as top quality video footage.

159 Excellent quality of recordings from the 3CCDs

160 It is possible to shoot very high quality material by using manual settings. However the cost of the camera is only slightly higher than a typical consumer product.

161 Solid and color performance.

162 Nice combination of semi-pro features in a very compact low key package.

163 Tape counter in ff/rew mode ... ability to tell scene length, time,

164 Image, size

165 Image quality. Quality feel of operation. Flip-out screen playback quality. Number of manual controls. Stills to memeory sticks are very good and conveient for editing on laptop.

167 Great video image.

168 Small size, Low weight, Quality of picture, still picture output, "peppy" zoom (compared to GL1)

169 Excellent image quality; manual controls; zebra stripes.

170 Still image capability

171 flexibility.

172 20 meg compact flash card with PC holder and USB reader for PC. Just bought a Raptor DV editing. system for PC. great so far. Analog in/out connections.

173 Good lowlight, light weight and size, battery life with 950, it is just about perfect - except for only 2 channel sound I prefer to my XL1

174 Size, Quality recorded image

175 picture when working properly

176 High quality combined with small size, bundling of digital functions including still photo, ability to interface via Firewire, high-capacity battery technology, built-in screen and speaker

177 It's weight, picture quality

179 Image quality of video.

180 Small size, ease of use. Previously shot w/ Sony EDC-55 betacam.

181 I loved the still function and the smallness.

182 quality of images, small size, large lcd display, slow shutter speeds (<60fps).

183 Excellent Image Quality

184 Picture quality; digital format; granular control.

185 Best Video / Audio quality for the money.

186 Excellent color, sharpness, and resolution. Love the large viewscreen for previewing tape. Not very useful for recording outside.

188 Image quality and manual controls

189 Total control of photographic capabilities

190 image quality, reliability

191 decent picture, easy to operate, sfx for the rare times i'll use them (prefer to do so in editing), that it is "supposed" to be capable of firewire/NLE connection


193 Precision of construction

195 compact size and high quality

196 Picture Quality, design

197 great picture in a small design - beats the DSR200/ VX1000 and other units that cost $$$more

199 Good quality audio/video, right size, versatility

200 Crisp images; accurate auto functions, esp. exposure in reasonable light; extensive possibilities for manual control, esp. manual audio gain; size (portable and not intimidating)

202 reliable good picture quality -good low light performance

203 Quality of the video, the digital input and output Input of analog video

204 Incredible quality. I once worked in TV and can't believe that I can actually own something like this.

207 Firewire to my G3 (FCP) so easy---makes me giddy! Love the picture quality

208 I love the overall quality of the camera! The colors are so vibrant (if the settings are correct)

209 3 CCD and its resulting color trueness.

210 Overall quality of both audio and video after using a JVC

211 easy control and look professional

212 Picture Quality

213 The quality and light weight

214 Picture quality. Stabilization

215 being able to use filters on playback

216 compact, picture quality

217 3 chip about what I paid for top of the line consumer cameras for the last 10 yr Everything a serious amateure could want in a video camera for the price.

219 video picture quality, still picture quality

220 Color rendition and quality of picture. Ability to take still photos. Flexibility of exposure controls.Ability to use Compact Flash cards in stead of Sony's device.

221 It's small and unobtrusive, yet big enough to be used with two hands. ie. less shakes

222 The video Quality

223 Quality of costruction

227 size dv quality

228 Size, quality, use with computer

229 Miniature size and very light. Awesome video quality. Great manual control.

230 cost/quality ratio

231 The still pictures outdoors

232 Takes very good pictures on automatic. In good light the system works wonderfully.

233 Variety of features, manual exposure

234 Great image

235 size

236 Features

238 The image quality.

239 Good picture quality

240 the great picture quality, the almost endless battery time,the impeccable firewire interfacing with the Mac and EditDV NLE

241 I like the 3 CCD feature, professional feel.

242 picture quality; ability to adjust white balance; saving stills to tape or disk

243 superb image quality in regard to resolution, colour separation and colour depth. lot of meaningful features. very versatile.

244 Small, manual overrides, good pics

246 Manual controls; sharp, clean video; relatively compact; PC card slot/still capabilities

247 It is light-weight and inconspicuous, nobody knows that you are using a semi-pro machine, the results looks great. Several friends asked me how come my video and still pictures were so much better them theirs. I love the manual controls, I can tweek the machine to get what I want, if I remember to do it that is.

249 eaz of use

250 prosumer level

251 image quality, sound quality, lcd screen, size.

253 clear picture and sound

254 beautiful images/sound in an inconspicuous and cheap package. Manual settings. Battery duration.

255 1.) Picture quality for normal shooting conditions. 2.) NLE via firewire (DVRaptor)

256 being able to edit it with iMac

257 Compact size

258 The Myriad of settings/control

260 The size of the camera as well as the LCD monitor. I have 3 VX1000s and adding the TRV900 as a fourth to cover weddings as well as special events is perfect. With the LCD monitor, I can shoot with the camera over my head.

262 video/stil quality

265 great colo w/ 3CCD, it's small!

266 size, quality of sound a picture for the price

267 Pro quality vision, many choices of input/output, compact.

268 Colour and resolution

269 - image quality - point and shoot ease of use straight out of box

270 able to edit while shooting

271 Videocamera recording quality and video playback. Everyone who saw the picture quality commented on its outstanding clarity. I also like its features, build quality and looks.

272 Small, lightweight, easy to use, lots of features, good quality.

273 Small, lightweight, easy to use, lots of features, good quality.

274 Superb picture quality

276 Its DV quality picture and photo capability

277 Progressive Scan and Still image capture

278 The picture quality of the TRV 900 gives me the truest underwater images I have seen in a consumer camers

279 bright colors, sharp focus

281 size(inconspicuousness & weight), manual shutter

282 visual quality, and digital/picture effects

283 DVCAM quality very portable

284 Compact Size Built in Bars Zebras LCD Screen

285 good, tough overall package.

286 Video quality

287 3 ccd's, price, similarity in look to cheap camcorder (masquerade effect), digital stills

289 It is idiot proof. Auto focus/exposure is great. Much easier to use than Canon XL-1.

291 Small, light weight, but professional

292 Amazing image quality - as good as broadcast!

293 -Compact size for the power of it's abilities -Range of FX possible, but most impressively, the fact that you can "undo" them before bringing them into an editing system - so if you change your mind about an image-blur for example, being able to 'lose' that effect before digitizing is very very cool. -decent viewing screen - could always be improved, edp resolution-wise.

294 Convenient shape & size, good image stabilization

295 compact, working manual focus, long battery life

296 Size and ease of use. Manual settings

297 Battery Life Manual Controls

298 Stills Sound Quality Picture Quality

299 Size and most features (still photo capabilities, side viewer, low power consumption,

300 Image quality,Battery life,The overall feel and looks spells quality.

301 Small enough to double as home/vaction camcorder when not using it to shoot instructional videos.

302 Size and weight, good quality picture and sound,manual controls

303 small size, light weight,

304 great pictur quality

305 LCD screen size picture quality

306 Excellent image quality. Congrats sony. Completely manual. Low shutters. Fairly steady.

308 Generaly quality is good to execellent Quality - Price - Good

309 Flexibility and ease of use. I have use my camera in bitter cold of high altitude, in the humid Amazon Jungle, in the rain, underwater and it still holds up and gives broadcast quality video.

312 Picture quality.

314 Qualitty

315 This is the BEST camera for the money. (not cheap but you get what you pay for) Awesome video and still picture quality.

316 nothing!

317 The video quality is simply stunning.

318 video quality, firewire I/O

320 The many options available--have used as video camera & still camera; can use digital photos in many ways. I am using the Sony Vaio system to edit tapes in Priemere--this works wonderfully.

321 easy menu driven manual functions and white balance

323 Size, quality.

324 the floppy disk adapter make it easy to get jpeg on computer one of reason got the camera so i can send pictures of my pregnet wife to friends and family

325 Handling, picture quality, on-board facilities

326 picture and sound quality

327 small, fits my needs as a feild user better than ANY camera i've used

330 Size, sharpness of image (even with the WA adapter), manual controls

331 The analog to dv conversion ability, the size (inconspicuous for documentary work, works flawlessly with FCP, good image quality.

332 size, light weight, versatility

334 Exelent picture, sound, and features

335 picture quality

336 small size for underwater use in housing and excellent video

338 broadcast quality for a great price. Spoiled by the LCD screen and color viewfinder

339 size

340 3 chip color quality, adj. shutter speed down to 1/4 sec.

342 Very flexible exposure control. Very good low light performance.

343 when it is working properly...the picture quality is great

344 That it's the best camera in that priceclass.

345 Beautiful picture quality.

346 Quailty of video

348 single camera provides still and video pictures.

349 Video quality

350 The picture clarity is great. It's so disappointing to see VHS copies ! With the NP-F750, I can shoot for a long time.

351 The quality of the video is great for the price. The camera also works wonderfully with my dv setup at home (Firewire and Primere and batch capturing)The timecode is also very good. Before these cameras timecode was only for the real highend stuff.

353 High Rez video. Long battery life. Compact Flash card. Large LCD monitor. Progressive scan mode.

354 The desing and the image quality.

355 I am truly impressed by the play back quality. I shoot a lot of sport fishing videos for amateur use only - until now, that is - and everybody is stunned about the quality when playing back on my Sony TV. I don't use much the special effects sepia, B&W, and so on, but I am working my into working more on the manual side of shooting.

356 Quality of picture

357 great features and overall ease of use

358 Quality of results

359 picture quality

360 Picture Quality

363 Great picture quality

365 The quality of the pictures and sound

366 The SIZE of the camera is both practical and unpractical...

367 Range of Functionality. Quality of results.

368 Good picture quality. Nice combination of features.

369 Colors

370 Its look is not quite as nice as say the VX-1000 or the new VX-2000, but the TRV-900 is noted with having the best picture quality, according to the most recent issue of DV Magazine. For this, I am very proud of my camera and, once I get the head cleaned (which is very long overdue), hopefully my camera will be back to perfection.

371 resolution; compactness; ease of use; manual overrides on every setting; analogue in; LCD screen; etc; etc...

373 Image quality, color LCD

374 Great Picture

375 Lots and lots of features- not all of which are documented, unfortunately. InfoLithium batteries- Sony rocks! Super sharp resolution! Small size is unobtrusive, you can shoot professional quality video and people pay you no mind.

376 Good compromise between size and quality

378 Small size, excellent video quality

380 Color and clarity. Its versatility with manual/autuomatic functions.

382 I also own a SONY VX-1000 and feal the 900 does a better job in many aspects and has more features that I can use. Don't misunderstand me, I think the 1000 is a super camera also.....

383 The quality of the picture image and the size for manuevability.

388 being able to edit video on PC

389 Image quality.

391 Picture and sound quality

393 Size and capability, 3 CCD awesome color! Compatibility with Lineaur and NLE editing systems.

394 very good image quality, although not as good as the xl1 or the vx1000 or 2000 or the pd250

395 Quality of video, ease of photo transfer to PC

396 so far i have not one bad comment about the camera in fact several people who have seen my very amatuer results are considering paying the extra and getting the same camera

397 Superb video with very little effort. It is easy to switch between manual and auto settings. I use shutter speed 1000 for filming Dog Agility which allows frame by frame analysis of each run.

398 Good image quality for its size; good size for inconspicuous shooting; nice large-sized LCD monitor; B&W, sepiatone, and other effects can be used when playing back as well as recording a tape.

402 Size, image quality, recorder function

403 Size and functionality. A well designed layout and good features (except for the infinite focus ring)

404 the 3 ccds, punch for price, versatility, pro quality

406 Quaility, size, PC card, simulate camera shutter sound.

408 manual functions, disk adaptor, in out capabilities for analog, zebra function

411 Picture quality

412 excellent image quality, also in low light conditiond. Memory stick (optional) quit handy.

414 Picture quality

415 The trv900's value to me is in its use as a second B-roll camera. I have been using A JVC DV500 and A Sony D-30 with a DV back as primary cameras and thr TRV900 as a secondary

417 the quality, the size, the price, the fact it doesn't make people more inhibited

418 compact size, picture quality

419 The camera is great - small, great vid, etc, but if it eats one more tape --- i sware i will kill it.

420 Excellent picture quality--natural color rendition

421 3 ccd; fold-out monitor; mini-DV tape format/size; long-lasting battery packs; compactness, yet great picture/sound quality

422 Versatility and capability for the price.

423 The quality in good lighting conditions of both video and camera mode.

424 The video quality and manual controls as well as the ability to take stills and easily transfer them to my computer.

425 image stabiliser, it best ever. and for water cinematography its great.

426 video quality

429 Stills on memory card and Video & Stills on tape.

430 all the promised functions, dv, ieee1394.

431 it is small enough to feel discreet; capable enough to for pro use

432 progressive scan mode

434 Combo of auto and manual controls, good image quality.

435 I like the size and clarity of picture image in daylight shoots.

436 Small size, low battery drain.

437 Video Quality

438 video quality

439 Excellent picture quality, ease of use, professional results using dv editting s/ware

440 The beautiful quality.

441 High quality image. DVin/out

442 overall, i am pleased with both the recording and playback of both audio and video segments.

443 LCD Screen, Stablizer, Still Capture, Slow Motion play back.

444 possibility to still pictures also (64 Mb Memory Stick)

445 Quick and accurate auto focus, long lasting battery life (with 750), and low-profile look for such great quality video.

446 great picture quality

447 The camera is a lot lighter than my old Panasonic. Sound and picture quality is great.

449 It works flawless with my RT2000 setup

450 Picture quality is great. Colors are extremely vibrant and accurate.

451 I like its small size. I remember the old cameras you hooked up to luggable VHS decks, and even the old camcorders were awful. It is nice to finally have a decent autofocus mechanism and an excellent optical stabilization in the camera. The color reproduction and sound are wonderful. The DV quality is great.

452 Excellent video quality

453 small size, large LCD, adequate picture, and price "was" good considering the optins at the time of purchase (june 1999).

454 The picture and sound quality,and still picture function. Battery capacity.

455 size, auto capability, image quality

456 image quality

457 Its size. It's picture, and versatility vis a vis its manual controls.

458 size - i think it has exactly ths right size

459 It was a gift

460 Excellent picture quality, lots of manual controls,

461 the ability to be used as a DV deck. That and the excellent image quality.

462 Steady-shot. High-resolution. Time-lapse. Excellent color for NTSC.

463 The still capacity, and the quality of the dv tapes

465 The picture. Adding 3-lite external. IEEE. I hope I can say the wireless mics.

468 The 3CCD-Quality and the handling, PCMCI-Slot

469 picture quality

470 3CCD's for under $2000

471 Essentially, I can get broadcast quality video out of something the size of a standard camcorder. The camera's features are nothing special, especially its still photos, but the video--when the light is right--is certainly as good as anything I see on TV. Don't be fooled, 3 CCDs do make a difference, as does optical image stabilization.

473 Size,Quality of construction, Quality of image in low light, Quickness of set up

475 quality of picture

476 picture quality, firewire (IEEE 1394) connection, LCD screen

477 High image quality in a small size

478 Good image quality. This cam's 4 lux rating is actually better than another cam's 2 lux rating. The camera has many useful features not normally found on camcorders. It is relatively user friendly and works great as a POV camera for our wedding productions. It is also not bad as a still cam.

480 color

481 Handling of contrast - sound both on camera and through zoom mic on hot shoe - low light filming see lit by night.

482 I shot with the dsr-200 for 2 years along with the XL-1 - I think this camera performs as good as the XL-1 and better than the dsr-200. The size of the camera makes it easy to carry onto a plane or shoot from within confined spaces. Highly recommended for documentary work.

484 Everything

485 Clear picture and long battery life (750)

486 Compact size. Brilliant image quality for cost.

487 the floppy adapter is great for on the spot picture taking when the need for a universal computer interface is required. the picture quality is outstanding, both still and motion. the stop motion is awsome. the camera is small, lightwaight and is very durable. i think most of the problems people have is cause they dont know how to use it. its the best all around camera period.

489 Pretty good design, quality images.

490 Large LCD screen, fast focusing and white balance, long lasting batteries

491 outstanding quality comparing to Hi-8. recorded in a good light condition some exclusive shoots were used even for broadcast and no one even have noticed, that it was only dubbed to beta-sp.

492 Large viewfinder monitor

493 Picture and sound quality. Slow motion playback, (which I use to do motion analysis of alpine skiing) DV format in theory makes archiving more permanent.

494 Picture & sound quality excellent

495 The color saturation and image

496 Reliable, sturdy and does the job

497 analog in, compact, looks amature

499 light weight, good size monitor, ease of control of functions.

500 Quality of the video

501 Size, versatility, durability, doesn't look too professional

502 Picture Quality.

503 Size, quality of images, features

504 Great sharp pictures!

505 Size, battery life, cost, image quality

506 digital stills, 3CCD, super steady shot, infolithium batt. memory stick

507 Picture quality, manual controls

510 video quality, firewire in/out

511 Image quality.

512 I have a problem with my Flash i boot for this camera (HVL-FH1100) Looks like this is a very good flash, but i just can't make it work with TRV-900 If you have any experience with it, please respond to me. or 408-220-1432 Best regards. Oleg

513 Great Pro Device

515 Picture is excellent, audio is very good. Feels durable. Still capability is very good (with a PCMCIA flash card; my 96M card holds over 500 pictures at the best quality). Overall excellent camera, highly recommended.

516 Size/weight, low light perf, large LCD

517 The screen of course. I like being able to run it all day and night on batteries and tape that fit in my pocket. And that if I run out I can get Batteries and tape at any electronics sore or even K mart.

518 1. camera size to image quality ratio. 2. image quality when shooting natural light underwater

520 very good picture, clean colour, manual override.

521 The small with amazing video quality, joined with a higher quality than most microphone make the overall product amazing.

522 Great picture both still and video. Sometimes I forget this is a video camera. It is hard to believe that such a high quality pictures comes out of such a small camera. I was lucky my camera does not have any dead LCD pixels and work great right out of the box. How can Sony out do themself, I don't know

523 3CCD, small size

524 easy of use

525 The camera works great in low light situations.

526 Good size to pack for travel video, long battery life using view finder,

527 Great quality video

528 It defaults to just beautiful footage in the right light. Astounding for the money.

529 High video quality and excellent audio recording quality.

530 The good quality of the image. Portability. Reliability. Viewing screen.

531 The overall quality of the image vs. Hi 8 and the compatibilty with my DV 500 card and Adobe Premiere 6.0

532 Good use with the Death Lens

533 3CCD/Size/allround

534 video image quality

535 Size and quality of pictures

536 Accurate imaging

538 3 chip CCD, compact size, somewhat disguised as a consumer VHS-C model, large flipout screen

539 Fantastic value for features camera. New purchase, completing survey to get "in loop". Primary intended use is snowboarding and music videos.

540 Three CCD resolution and color saturation. Small, convenient size. Excellent still shots though higher resolution would have been nice (but you really can't ask for much more in a video/still package). The amount of manual control is very good.

541 picture quality, small size, manual audio adjustment

542 It's quite a good camera. It's the only one I own, and I purchased it because it offered me a good balance between quality and portability. I allways take it with me, so sometimes I miss it was lighter. But when I saw some PC-5 footage my decision was clear, it's the best 3ccd cam in its size. Canon GL1 (XM1 in Europe) was ok too, and its lenses are gorgeous, but it didn't have analog video in, a feauture I considered very important althought i really don't use it much...

543 Compacity; analogic entry; wide screen

544 like the color of pictures taken.. easy to operate.. zoom is good..

545 Quality picture

546 Quality picture

547 very good images

548 picture quality, colors, battery life with NP-F960 great (a pity that this battery is not standard)

549 Picture and sound quality, reliability and compatibility with both Mac and PC

550 Battery Life, Image Quality in Good/Mixed Light, Handling/Protability

551 PCMCIA memory stick adapter has been really helpful

553 Color rendition

555 great picture quality

556 Small and inconspicuous for such quality.

557 3 ccd, size and price

558 Overall quality of recorded images. Low-light performance. Still image quality with a flash light.

560 The image quality and the size. I have large hands so the new DV machines are too small.

561 great video quality

563 nothing

564 Been used, and unfortunately abused, and still keeps on ticking. Dropped twice.... Ouch. No alingment, focus, colour problems. 'S f'n amazing instrument. (I design instruments for a living) we out

565 Connection possibilities, manual shutter, manual focus etc. Mostly picture quality.

566 Ability to make manual adjustments to shutter speed, exposure, etc. instead of only pre-programmed guesses.

567 Size vs quality - exceptional

568 easy to use, light, efects, picture quality

569 Picture resolution is fantastic

570 Image quality, best bang fo' your money!

571 Easy way of ussing

572 It just works! No messing around - easy to operate - seems to be very robust - its often used in the field with one or two dsr130 DVCAM full-size pro cam's and is ideal for getting 'in with the action' particularly at sporting events. Its looks help distinguish it from 'just another parent filming the play'...

573 good enough quality to make sellable videos. Hasnt broken yet despite hard outdoor use

574 Size & quality of screen.

575 The overall high quality, the finished result is very professional looking. With some training you are able to make almost pro-footage, small films, outdoor (sportfishing) videos, etc

576 Sheer versatilty combinbed with quality at affordable price.

577 3 CCD; size; shutter for high speed; easy use; great control of zoom; buttons in the right place; easy change of tape, when it worked; colour

578 Video quality

579 still photo capability with flash card

582 ease of use, flip out lcd screen, use as editing monitor, overall design, weight, portability and ease of handling. DV picture quality, controls

583 size and ease of handling

584 Video quality & iLink - DV IN/OUT - editing firewire -

585 A level of performance that allows some material to be shot for broadcast productions while giving excellent performance for family video.

586 small, good video and audio quality,

587 Excellent picture quality even at low light levels. Manual shutter speed range 1/3 to 1/10000

588 Intuitive, easy-to-use and well thought out controls.

589 Quality of image, ability to match odd (theatrical) lighting

590 Superb quality video compare with non-3CCD cam, espically indoor.

591 Works exceptionally well with the sony underwater housing and the interval recording feature.

593 usefull in many situations. god picture quality

594 it's a compact little devil with better than average picture, in my opinion better sound than the gl-1 and the price-point makes it the best buy for the money.

595 ALL and size

596 easy to use, Great video qailty,!

597 Tuff litle bugger, been in the snow, hot desert, beach, and done 100s of dives in my Navigator Housing.

598 Great Quality video, with NO apparent chroma noise, VERY good audio quality as well/internal mic or Beachtek adaptor

599 Quality of picture, ease of use and firewire connection to computer

600 The 16:9 feature, the precise colours

601 The great colour balance (3 CCD) Long recording time with batteries.

602 Quality of picture. ease of use, good size LCD

603 Size,Wt.,Controls.

604 Very, light and versatile, and very good image quality for it's price

605 Very, light and versatile, and very good image quality for it's price

606 Light weight, easy to use menu,takes little time to find effect i want to use. Picture quality is good, durability is excellent

607 Value, handling (convenience) 3 CCDs, weight (not too light), variety of control and set-options (menu options), Automatic focus very effective (very little hunting)

608 size

609 video quality

610 Mobility, versatility, very good picture in almoust every situation. I use it as backup camera for my Betacam ENG kit. Ideal for shooting on difficult locations, where is very hard or even not possible to work with Betacam.

613 compact, but delivers proffessional results

614 It provided me a compact machine with a lot of features as XL1 and others. But since my main usage is because of the 3CCD lense. I like the result of it's color tone, it seems more 'natural' to me.

615 Excellent video and audio quality

616 We can use the still shots put onto floppy discs for excellent video cover stills, then filed away with the project notes if req'd later....aside from a variety of aviation videos which have produced reasonable income, eBay auction stills on floppy discs have more than paid 3 times overfor this camera !! ....the 2000 doesn't have the "floppy disc" use ....and the view screen is smaller like the Cannon....and I see the 2000 is already discounted.....and my friend's DVCam tapes will not only play back on my 900 but will continue to record once started as a DVCam tape !!...I'm sure Sony never wanted this known!!

617 able to be used by me (a semi-pro) and my wife, a total amateur

618 picture quality, sound, size

619 Very Tough Takes Lots Of ABUSE

620 it's durable and compact

621 Video quality is superb for the cost

622 size, I also have a VX1000

623 It's a lot of camera in a little package.

624 Compact, excellent sound and color

625 A great value. Very good looking video at an affordable price.

626 I want it goes on !

627 image quality/DV in/out

628 3 CCD, great color

630 Its design and quality

631 I am using the TRV30. Light, good image stabilization, great picture, intuitive menu controls.

632 Great color, and ability to snapshots with same device

633 Picture quality is excellent in good light.

634 size, weight, image/sound quality

635 ability to take still photos within the video photo shoot

637 Image quality, build quality

639 Just about everything...size, weight..

640 it looks like a consumer camera for specific politic situation

641 Picture and color quality.

642 Picture quality. Nearly broadcast quality.

643 Excellent picture and ergonomics

644 Progressive scan, Excellent picture quality

645 small size, reliability, high quality picture

646 size, 3-chips, on-the-fly digital image manipulation

648 Size, Weight, Battery life (12 Hour Battery)--1.5+ Years! with heavy use. Sound quality excellent (Mic Sensativity) The Lower Light Capability is excellent --blows away the Canon XL1!

649 Compact, built-in ND filter, easy to set aperture and shutter speed, nice fold-out screen. If you have multiple TRV-900s they try to synch up with each other (genlock) through the infrared port. This is useful for the 3D camcorder work I do.

650 Quality of picture

651 picture quality, color

652 Excellent picture

653 Small, inexpensive, 3 CCDs

654 Small, inexpensive, 3 CCDs

655 The playback quality is outstanding!

656 large lcd, dv-in, good colors in bad light conditions, nd filter

657 Just about everything!

658 Quality of the picture

660 Goood picture quality, compact camera

661 Quality of construction,quality of video,ruggedness

662 it works

663 Picture quality - features

664 Best available at time.

665 good video quality, DV in/out that enables high quality cutting

666 analog input/dubbing

668 I use it primarily for underwater photography (scuba). It has always operated perfectly and without exception, videos wonderfully.

669 Picture quality, handling

670 Beautiful resolution easy hand held pretty good low light fun to use and for the most part reliable. Audio seems to be good

671 Over all it is a good size camera that give you good video

672 High quality sound/picture, photo mode/media(death to memory stick!)

673 It's overall quality is quite good, not that I'm an expert in using Video Cameras, this is my first camera purchased, I made sure is had all the functions I figured I'd used. So far it's pretty good!

674 Good quality video and the camera is compact and easy to handle

675 Excellent picture & manual shooting adjustments

676 Professional quality in Day Light

677 Very sharp, good lowlight-better than XL1 Fantastic battery life with 950/960 Have two used for wedding and event video - 40 weddings per year. Unlike XL1, warns of head clogs in viewfinder.

678 Its so unobtrusive. It looks like any other consumer camera but produces high quality images and audio.

679 I use only progressive scan mode, then capture and print best shots.

680 Size and image quality

682 compact, screen,

683 Small, sturdy, reliable, excellent quality, nice design

684 Great image quality, very portable, large view screen, easyily used exposure controls.

685 The image quality and ease of use.

686 picture quality vs price paid

687 compact

688 the quality for the price.

689 - large monitor - analog in/out

690 quality of image

691 The simplicity in recording and the Zoom facility. The sound recording is also good. The solid build helps in preventing damage. Optical steady state mechanism is good too. Low light videos are usually good and sensitive.

692 Its original picture quality

693 It usually automatically produces good picture under various lighting conditions. Image stabilization seems to work well.

694 Picture quality, manual over-rides fairly accessible

695 Video sharpness & white balance control

696 3 CCD and sturdy box. excellent image quality, but Im not a pro.

697 3 CCD and sturdy box. excellent image quality, but Im not a pro.

698 3 CCD and sturdy box. excellent image quality, but Im not a pro.

699 quality overall of pictures and low light capabilities

700 Great picture and sound quality...

701 size of the camera and the image that it records.

702 1. Size -small & Durable for Adventure Trips 2. Low Light Capability (I noticed TRV900 better than my newer TRV950) and better than my Canon XL1 for low light 3. Battery Endurance: Canon XL1 uses Batts Quick, Sony only used about 20% of battery for same job XL1 Batts ran out. Sony TRV900 has longer Batteries than Sony TRV950.

704 it keeps on working (almost) despite the rough usage it gets

705 picture quality

706 it takes great videos

707 As a producer/writer venturing into shooting, I find the PD100 easy to use. For a recent project, I hired a professional camera operator, and was able to learn a great deal from him both technically and in terms of method. The PD100's innocuous design greatly aids in reducing subjects' anxiety and alleviating "Hey, look at the video cameraman" syndrome.

708 Compactness and reliability

709 Compact size and great picture quality along with some good manual adjustments.

710 Features ease of use

711 Compact, feature packed, versitile

712 The video quality

713 It's a beefy camery, not a little toy like alot of the newer units. 3CCD provides vibrant a vibrant image that when coupled w color correction for editing makes the camera near perfect. Big LCD provides easy viewing, and the ability to use the larger lithion battery packs allows for endless filming. Further, the video inputs and outputs as well as the mic in make adpating to any job easy as pie.

714 Pro features such as Zebra, manual white balance, color bars.

715 durable and inexpensive

716 wide variety of options, good lens.

717 Can be simple to use or made complicated with experience.

719 Professional image but amateur size. Nice look and feel.

720 Generally good quality audio/video, although I don't have access to any other DV camera. (only have had analog experience)

722 Every button and "nippel" is placed very well. Best thing is that almost every automated thing can be turned to manual.

723 Rare combination of resolution, video s/n, compactness

725 weight, lcd size and price (at time compared to vx2000, pd100, pd150) picture quality, 3 ccd

726 good (video)quality; size; weight

727 3ccd

728 image quality for the price

729 Compact, professional image, low profile

732 Image Quality, battery life, I/O options

733 picture quality

734 reliability

735 video quality, ease of use

736 Light sensitivity: excellent. Auto white balance: very good. Auto focus: excellent. Noise level : very low. Color fidelity: excellent.

738 Excellent picture, small size, manual controls, 3.5 inch color display, long battery life.

739 Picture guality

740 its price )

741 Quality of video

743 Works great under low light conditions; can use natural lighting most of the time, which looks much better than artificial lighting.

744 The quality of audio and video it produces

745 Great quality picture when working, but eats a brand new tape almost immediately. I would like to crush it in my wood splitter or throw it under a steam roller then send it in for repairs and not pay.

746 Small,easy to use, fine picture quality. Ever lasting batterie, it goes and goes....

748 light protable

749 The quality of the image captured to tape

750 Beautiful picture quality

751 Great looking video picture when filming with the right lighting (ie. Arri softbank, etc.)

752 Light sensitivity, compactness, manual exposure controls

753 Compact, simple, automated choices once set.

754 Manual Settings, small size, picture quality, sound quality, durability, zebra bars, the list goes on...

755 Great color

756 The manual controls.

757 Compact and good quality.

758 high quality DVD quality video. video quality is better that regular good as HD TV

759 Size/weight, image quality

760 large view screen-extremely clear picture quality

761 Ease of use, recording quality, price to feature ratio

762 video quality

763 Handling balance, picture quality (incl. low light), steady shot, miniDV image and sound reliability (c.f. drop out prone Hi-8), built in ND filter plus usable range of shutter of speeds for control over depth of field...

764 nice color

765 Video quality and firewire interface.

766 Image quality under good lighting conditions.

767 image quality

768 compact, excellent result for cost, reliable

769 Ease of Use, very VERY durable. Can withstand numerous shocks with ease. Great picture diesplay.

771 Great features and quality

772 high picture quality, reliability, portability

773 Manual over ride Long shutter speed in manual mode You look as though you're an amateur so can get more candid shots Image quality Reliability

774 Camera has been very dependable since its repair until recently when I have developed sound problems.

777 Wonderful picture. Great sound. Ease of use. This site!

778 The TRV900 is very inexpensive camera compare to its features. I like the camera have manual control for exposure, zebra, WB and audio level, though audio level control could be better with separately knob than menu.

779 quality of the image, used it for taking still pictures for years before I got a digital still camera

780 image quality, size, manual controls

781 Picture quality + low light capability

782 the colours and the lcd screen

783 Reliability - dropped from tripod onto concrete with no mechanical damage; good performance; convenient size.

784 Video quality.

786 Viewfinder, Picture quality. High speed shutter for freezing birds in flight.

787 The optical quality, and the ability to playback DVCAM format tapes

788 I like the large lcd

789 Excellant picture quality and camera size. Best camcorder on the market!

790 The video quality, TRV-900 is great compared to other video cameras now on the market.

791 size, weight for quality

792 Video quality, size and sturdy feel

793 quality of film

794 Quality, manual features

795 size compared with performance

796 The quality of the colours when recording underwater

799 Light weight and good image quality

800 Reliable, durable. Very high quality picture and audio.

801 size

802 Compact size, large LCD, 3CCD imaging, picture quality is good, good menu layout, good button layout

803 quality of picture and versatilty of controls

804 The 3CCD

805 The image quality is superb.

807 Compact, ecomonical, lightweight, pretty good image quality

808 Size... not too many cameras that can get this small, built this well in the 3chip design.

809 size and long battery

810 color & detail

811 sturdy, good quality, side loading!!

812 Low light sensitivity

813 resolution, colours

814 The great zoom it has

815 its ease of use

816 I got it because of John Beale's fantastic web site. At the time I was trying to research which camera to get, there was, and probably still is nothing else like it, I really trust the information here.

819 picture quality equal to vx2100 or canon xl-1,price -quality.

820 Its large enough to make you look like a pro, yet is just the right size to hold in one hand, with a brilliant 3 point something inch screen, and ability to add on ANY extras like lenses and hotshoe items, this is a nice camera! oh, and its sony - youll find it hard to go wrong with sony!

821 Picture quality

822 1. Not designed like a film camera; allows hand-held usage in ways not tried before 2. large LCD screen 3. Good low-light recording

823 great video; still pictures; low light capabilities; image quality; ease of use; good weight; telephoto lens

824 Its solid feel easy to hold steady if no tri or mono pod. excellent reproduction when put onto Dvd. using a mac.

825 picture quality

826 3 ccd sensors for vivid color reproduction.

827 Great picture quality considering size

828 Picture quality and zoom quality

829 Outstanding video quality

830 Picture Quality, DV, Compact, Sturdy, View Finder great.


833 size & handling

834 Picture quality.

836 Excellent Picture and Audio...until audio dropouts that recently appeared out of nowhere.

837 Good VFM, performance that still stands up against modern cameras and a compact size

839 I've used the camera for number of years for both profesional theatrical and personal use.

840 portable, great images in high-light situations

841 It's rugged and small with very good video quality and large LCD screen.

842 Superb picture, wonderful manual control ability, nice big lens and low light abilities.

843 3ccd quality

844 Easy to use professionally, image quality good enough to intercut with footage shot on better cameras

846 Great video

848 color, sharpness

850 Having 3CCDs make for pretty decent quality image. Has a very Professional LOOK to it when out in the field shooting

851 It doesn't look like a new cast camera but you can get great colors, it has a focus ring and you and the white balance shutter speed and exposure are located in the back. So you don't have to look throught the menu for them.

852 Quality of the image versus other cameras and the zoom.

853 ease of use and amazing quality for its year

854 Very good allround camcorder.

855 The quality of the picture.

856 Able to play back PAL miniDV, and capture it as is through firewire

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