I don't have a waveform monitor, so I used a Tektronics TDS210 digital oscilloscope (60 MHz bandwidth, 1 GHz sample rate). I used a 75 ohm load at the input, with an actual measured value of 74.82 ohms. Below are the waveforms taken from the TRV900 and TR7000 cameras while playing back the image above (click to enlarge). The captured data from the oscilloscope was transferred digitally to a computer, and captions added
The two cameras have matching output waveforms, to within the noise
level of the output circuit + oscilloscope sampling noise. Note that black
(intensity =0%) pixels are below IRE 0 (not legal NTSC) and white (intensity
= 100%) pixels are above IRE 100 (also not legal).
When recording live from its own lens, the TRV900 does not record any
pixel values below 10% white regardless how dark the scene is, but it does
go up to 99% white pixels in light areas, suggesting that analog video
out can exceed IRE 100. The measured correspondence between pixel intensity
and analog output level in IRE units is shown in the table below.