Real (but rendered) Landscapes

Below are some raytraced landscapes I made using DEM datasets from the USGS ( 1-minute DEMs ), and also from the NASA/JPL TOPSAR topographic mapping instrument. I am grateful to Prof. Howard Zebker of Stanford for providing the latter data set.

Reno1 Area near Reno, NV on CA-NV border. Data from a USGS DEM.

SF Pen. San Francisco Penninsula, from a vantage point above San Jose, looking northwest. Data from the JPL Topsar project. Also available in a larger 1000x2000 pixel format (which probably won't fit on your screen- if you use xv to display, you'll only see the 1/2 sized version).

SF Pen. Zoomed-in view near middle of above region, or a larger fullscreen image.

globe-west globe-east Two views of earth, using a false color map based on elevation. The water level is a bit higher than actual fact (for now, anyway).

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